
High-performance fibers such as polypropylene, fibrillated tape, and concrete reinforcing fibers, offering strength and durability for industrial and construction applications.

Fibrillated tape yarns

These yarns offer better weave density or mass in heavy-duty industrial fabrics due to the yarns being able to fold or twist uniformly. This yarn type is a fibrillated yarn which is produced using discontinuous, longitudinal cuts in the flat tape yarn. This manufacturing process is achieved 1 by running the flat tapes over a roller with a configuration of sharp pins which give the yarn a “hairnet” or honeycomb appearance when pulled open. Fibrillated tape yarns are used in numerous applications, from use in ropes, cords, industrial sewing yarns, synthetic turfs, marine carpeting, and heavy-duty industrial fabrics.

Concrete reinforcing fiber

Fibers are an ideal ingredient for use in concrete and mortars as a method for improving these materials where they may other wise have weaknesses. Concrete fibers reduce shrinkage crack formation and crack widths whilst also in- creasing performance in energy absorption and fire resistance. Additional benefits such as reduction or elimination of reinforcing steel and increased durability can also be seen. Applications with concrete fibers have expanded and new fiber materials are also increasingly capable of replacing traditional fibers such as steel and glass.

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